Tag Archives: Lar’s Workshop

The High Priestess round for Create your own Tarot


These days I was busy with the preparations for the May round of the Create your own Tarot event as well as wrapping up the Photo Contest for the previous round. This round we have all the stalls full of great items, I really hope people get inspired to work on their own designs!


HP_openingParty  2_TheHighPriestessl_ContestPoster1

The Magician event






If any followers out there noticed I am posting less frequently these days: been busy organizing the Create your own Tarot event. This hobby takes up about one-two hours each day, which is exactly the time I had for SL photography. I do still make images, however mostly related to the event. I also started creating as Larissa Starostin, which seems to be great fun, I am fully inspired and enjoying the growth in skills. To avoid going crazy with multitasking I decided to manage this blog on each Saturday, and cover less events. But there might still be some surprise posts when I cannot resist! However if any of you reading this post wish to help me with the organization of the Tarot event, please let me know. I could use some help updating the CyoT blog with vendor pics/logos and someone else helping me with the FB updates would also be appreciated. I am not sure what I can offer in exchange besides the pleasure of seeing it nicely get together.  I am not doing this for profit, more for the fun of it, and I am fully satisfied with the result this way.

The Fool – an event in the planning


Been busy with preparations for The Fool event, which is a great and fulfilling experience, and I wish i had more time to write about it. All in all, I love anticipation, the excitement of what the creators come up with, and how the community gets inspired by them is quite the kick! So here is a taste, but more will soon follow.


  • Thongs, Nipple Pasties, Wrist cuffs: Larissa Starostin (formerly know as Lar’s Workshop) (CyoT March15-31)
  • Hat: Zibska (CyoT March15-31)
  • Makeup: Lyrical B!zarre Templates (CyoT March15-31)
  • Hair: Exile – Windsong

Location: Verdigris


Lar featuring Zibska

Pose: Le Poppycock

I know I probably should not post twice a day, but I am rather happy with the outcome and could not wait. I think the pose complements the outfit and hair perfectly. Well, let me know if you agree… I have had some fun looking for the perfect angle / lighting and pose for a while. Below are some more results. I am still using slight variations of the windlight settings detailed here.






AMD mesh/shadow issue workaround


After a heavy hardware update I discovered that there is a glitch with the latest AMD drivers that needs a workaround, and I have uploaded a few files that help with this. Basically the meshes worn on the avatar become invisible when hardware skinning is turned on. If you experience the problem, or know someone who has such issues, this workaround is a handy trick.

To celebrate getting my shadows back, and also the release of the new Maitreya mesh body, Larissa decided to boycott winter and is wearing Zaara jewelry and Larissa’s swirly bikinis. She is also wearing Argrace hair and her usual old skin from Belleza. (Edit: the face skin is from Belleza, on the body she is wearing the “mixed” skin applier from DeeTalez.)

Snapshot_229v2 Snapshot_245v2