Of seeking respite in Second Life

Inara Pey: Living in a Modemworld

France Portnawak, Dreamworld Volcano; Inara Pey, May 2015, on Flickr France Portnawak, Dreamworld Volcano (Flickr) – click any image to enlarge

There are times, no matter how you try, when the words you want to put into an article refuse to either run from fingers through keyboard to screen, or when on the screen, simply don’t want to order themselves in the way you’d like.

When this happens, you can really only do one of two things; wrestle with the words in the hope of getting them to submit and line-up the way you’d like – or go seek respite by doing something else entirely. For me, the latter generally involves a bath full of hot water and bubbles, music and a book (and perhaps a glass of wine on the side). Today however, I decided to find respite from my block by jumping into SL, albeit with no clear idea of where I Might go or…

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My share of angles for a “city inside out”

I know this would probably be a more focused blog if I chose a specific theme like fantasy… or windlight… or favourite spots, or haute couture fashion. What it is slowly becoming is a photo diary of how I experience SL, so here is a share of images I shot today morning. The installation titled “City Inside Out” focuses on the topic of homelessness in Haveit Neox’s dreamlike style.

I like the dark blue background against the bright sculptures, and I would certainly recommend visting this LEA sim, as the 3D experience of panning around is the best way to take it all in. I used a slight variation of my Bright Light settings detailed here.

Favourite photos from the Second Life Inworld Meetup at Basilique

Many thanks for including my pics from the meetup!

Canary Beck

The Second Life Inworld Meetup at Basilique turned out to be the mother of all events. We had a massive turn out that exceeded my expectations – 104 people at peak. Inara Pey did a lovely job of creatively reporting the happenings, and Huckleberry Hax shared a wonderfully introspective perspective on the day’s events. I don’t have much to add to their words, so I’d like to use this post to share my favourite photographs of the event, and perhaps a few suggestions for the future at the end of this post.

Xiola Linden kicked things off by saying: “This is a meet up folks – we’re just here to hang out and take pics – so I hope you have your snappers ready to take lots of pics and share them to flickr!”

Given the crowds, I can imagine it might have been a bit tough for people to even…

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Handsome Devil


I HAD to choose yellow with that shirt. And the demon avie.  Zibska never ceases to amaze.



  • Zibska (mp blog | flickr inworld)
    • Amadour trousers, 12 colours via HUD
    • Breunor shirt,  8 prints and a fabulous collar 🙂



The High Priestess round for Create your own Tarot


These days I was busy with the preparations for the May round of the Create your own Tarot event as well as wrapping up the Photo Contest for the previous round. This round we have all the stalls full of great items, I really hope people get inspired to work on their own designs!


HP_openingParty  2_TheHighPriestessl_ContestPoster1