Tag Archives: Deadwool

The Chamber

The Chamber

Today is the last day for “The Chamber Society” photo contest and just submitted the above picture. I am sure there are many great competitors in there, but it has been a gret project, as always.

Location: The Chamber Society – Upper Floor

First,  I wanted to fill the upper floor to have the Eyes Wide Shut mood, and with the help of a few club members we did a great series, but somehow I voted for the above picture with a Del May pose. It is hard to make a convincing shot with so many people. You can view the series with other great pictures in the Flickr group for The Chamber.

Update on 26th October: Did not even get into the first 20, but I enjoyed planning for the contest. I guess my approach is very different to these pics than it was expected. OR I sohuld have played with the lights more. All in all congratulations to the winners and all participants.