

Hello Lovelies,

It’s been a while and for that, I apologise! Anyway, let’s get to business and see what I’m wearing!


The Inventor’s Toys

These days I spend most of my SL time in Fogs End, roleplaying, or taking pics of it. It is a friendly Victorian RP community that just underwent a huge reconstruction, the place is worth exploring with a great forest, river across and town area.

Systemwise it is interesting to note that they dropped the statistics and dice system they tried earlier, which was always and optional method to work with, and they are fully switching to the system of consent, which is my preference as well.

I personally like to play multiple characters in such a diverse setup, and they did not seem to have a problem with me having 5+ characters. The Inventor is one of my favorite,and i rather like the pictures I recently took of him in the Fogs End Factory.

Gacha Robots are from Contraption, Factory from Ex Machina. Apollo’s outfit: Deadwool.

On the Go


Hello Lovelies!

I’m back! This as been a rather productive week it seems! Here is yet another blog post for you all!
